A downloadable collection for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Based off the series by Disaster Labs...


This collection brings you 3 games, 5 movies, and uhhh, what else.


  1. All the Arfenhouse movies (but not 6)
  2. All the Arfenhouse games. (but not 4, which is hard to find now)
  3. And uhh, more?


TUIAIU - Thats me, the creator of this mayhem.

Rayman - the menu ideas, possibly being co-owner of this project, making those nice text you see.

Disaster Labs - Making the Afrenhouse, without it, this collection would not exist.

And you for doing things in this world.

And everyone else.


#rpg #flash #childhood #collection #1990s #2000s #newgrounds #memories


Arfenhouse Mega Collection.zip 193 MB


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Man, I used to love Arfenhouse back in the day for its surrealism and intentional ugliness, but also hate it for vulgar language and bizarrely sexual content for being allegedly made in-universe by an eight year old.